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Judge Landis

Date: 03-28-2007
By: redbarberian

In the very late 50s until about 1960, Jean Shepherd had a three-hour Sunday evening show over WOR. He would often discuss major league baseball, particularly in the 30s. Once he discussed the powerful but racist commissioner, Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis. At the time of this program, Walter O'Malley, who had just moved the beloved Dodgers to Los Angeles, was about the most reviled man in New York. As Jean put it, "If Judge Landis were now the commissioner, Walter O'Malley would be back in the used car lot with the old Pontiacs." Is there anyone out there who heard that broadcast? Are there any tapes of those Sunday evening programs? Shep was at his height with those programs. Except for one break, he would go steadily for three hours working up a full head of steam. 1